Linux training courses with the flowing options:

  1. classroom – Tripoli – Libya.
  2. Classroom with Traveling other countries.
  3. Instructor-led (online course)
  4. on-site training.
  5. private courses 1 to 1.

course we offer (updated)

  1. Red Hat System Administration I – RH124.
  2. Red Hat System Administration II – RH134.
  3. Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE)- RH294.
  4. LPI – Linux Essentials – Objectives click here.
  5. LPI – LPIC-1.
  6. LPI- LPIC-2.
  7. customized Linux courses also on-demand Advanced Red Hat Courses e.g. open stack, clustering etc.

Linux support with the following options:

  1. monthly visit with assessments of Linux based environment.
  2. 1 time visit troubleshooting/fixing issues.
  3. Linux support contract.

Contact US to get quotation or any extra information:

  • +218911804922(Whatsapp).
  • contact form page: click here